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Aerial Photography is useful for Construction Projects, Real Estate, Land Surverys, Legal Cases, Events, Golf Courses, etc.

Aerial Photography

We handle several types of aerial photography projects. With the option of 3 platforms to shoot from, depending on the type and subject matter to be photographed.

UAV (Drone Photography) - Great for very low altitude and/or discrete locations where a plane or helicopter is not realistic to fly. We are insured and have a Section 107 license with the FAA to fly UAV - Drone aircraft.

AirCam - Fixed Wing Aircraft - A two seat aircraft designed originally for National Geographic photographers.  The AirCam is great for high or low altitude projects capturing very high resolution images.

Helicopter - Great for projects where timing is involved. Helicopters are a versitle platform for low level very high-res images.

Gallery of Aerial Photography Examples.